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Příspěvek 2024-07-07 14:14:29

edLjDvXNm 18.04.2022 21:03:09
MzIGIDaKMhkcsZopocB 18.04.2022 20:56:52
DrAHHRwhv 18.04.2022 20:54:16
NeLsrNPSgDVSZQ 18.04.2022 20:51:59
PxOXiopUGWEGkRWC 18.04.2022 20:48:16
tJZUWIxQWJdFLy 18.04.2022 20:45:19
kRNNQvqfRexXkFjh 18.04.2022 20:43:23
uRZbNagFaaPn 18.04.2022 20:28:14
hHMItKZzUnScekAW 18.04.2022 20:17:35
QWyrgAyCQJ 18.04.2022 20:16:11
Strana: 1, 2, 3, [4] 5, 6

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cADPcScIYbee 16.11.2021 01:23:32 | Na co to je reakce?

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This was during the cross-country. In those days it wasn’t as professional as it is today, and none of us had any proper training. If you wanted to teach your horse to jump into water, you just found a puddle in the road. In fact, this moment was the first time I’d ever jumped him into a water jump, so though I was quite a brave rider, I was apprehensive of hurting or disillusioning him.


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